Sports is an uniting force of energy in any part of the world, and more so in Malaysia. A multicultural country with various believes but comes together as ONE big family during sports. The Malaysian Sports has a long history and setting up the World’s First XR Sports Museum will allow all Malaysians and Global citizens to walk down the history of Malaysian Sports, and experience highs and lows, embrace the victories and learn from the mistakes. It will be a testament to Malaysia’s commitment in progressing and contributing in sports and make the nation to be physically active! A museum like never before, will be put together using cutting edge technology such as Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Holography technology to recreate significant moments in our Sports History over the years to rejoice and inspire more such moments in coming future. This will also be a single integrated platform to pay tribute to all Sportsman and Sportswoman of the nation over the decades, as we eternalize their achievements, and their stories for generations to come.